Summer Delight Muffins: A Sweet Slice Of Summer


Hey there, fellow Feral Housewife enthusiasts! If you are like me and enjoy a little sweetness with your breakfast (or anytime, really), these Summer Delight Muffins will be a big hit. Packed with all the good stuff from the garden and the orchard, these muffins are perfect for starting your day off right or just enjoying with a cup of coffee or tea. And in the words of my darling husband, "They are better than I thought they would be" 

So here is what I did:

First toast your pecans. You should always toast your pecans. It really adds such great flavor.

While the nuts are cooling I mixed up the crumb topping. 

Here is what it looks like once mixed up. I set the bowl in the fridge while I got everything else prepared so it would stay crumbly.

While the crumble sets and the nuts are cooling, shred your zucchini, carrot and apple.

I got this shredder from that online shop that starts with an A and has everything.
I drizzled a little lemon juice over my shredded apple, just because I wanted it to stay pretty without oxidizing, and I love the citrus taste.

In my stand mixer, I tossed together the zucchini, carrots and apple.

Then stirred in the yogurt, brown sugar, eggs, applesauce, milk, oil and the zest. Here I used real brown sugar (I'm not a fan of sugar substitutes, but you do you), I also use light olive oil in all my baking instead of canola or vegetable oil. 

TIP* Always zest your citrus over your bowl so that you don't lose any but also so you get all the oils in your dish. It really adds to the flavor.

In went the dry ingredients! I used my stand mixer and blended until just combined.

After everything came together, I gently folded in my chopped, toasted pecans and apricots. (The recipe calls for cranberries, but I wanted apricots for the added sweetness)

Next comes the handy dandy ice cream scoop! Into the sprayed muffin pans.

Let's top those muffins with our crumble topping, because every muffin should have a crumble topping.

In the oven they go ....... See you in 20-25 minutes

They come out when they are done in the middle and are slightly golden brown.

These Summer Delight Muffins are a scrumptious way to enjoy summer's bounty in every bite. Perfect, for breakfast, a snack, or even a little dessert treat. Dive in and enjoy the delightful mix of flavors and textures!

Got your own spin on this recipe or a favorite muffin variation? Drop a comment and let me know-I'd love to hear from you!

Hope you Enjoy!


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